100 Days of Blogging

Day 18- God’s Grace is Sufficient

I cried today. Unexpectedly and unapologetically. I finally said out loud what I had been subconsciously suppressing this whole time. 

I am not happy with where I am right now and the tears and emotions just came pouring out.

I hear Pastor Mike Todd say this all the time that God doesn’t bless who you pretend to be but you have to be honest about where you are! 

I’ve been trying sooo hard to just press through because I know there is more. I know that I have to trust God but knowing and actually trusting him is TWO very different things. There are areas that I have totally surrendered to Him. But today I was shown that there are some areas of my life that I have been laying at the alter and then picking them back up. 

And I am having a hard time letting go of the blame; that there are things that I could have done differently. Things that I should have figured out by now. Things that I believed would have happened by now that haven’t. It has been devastating to my soul but what I do know is that I AM NOT going to stay here in this space. By faith, I am going to surrender and just take it day by day. 

God what do you have for me today? What am I saying yes to in this moment right now? 

Today my yes was to finish reading the story of Joseph, to be honest about where I am and what I feel, to write this blog post to let you know I get, and you are not alone. Some of us have hit a space and it’s not that you don’t believe God, but you believe that because you haven’t done certain things, mastered certain areas that you are the reason why certain promises haven’t manifested yet. And to some degree you may be right, but GOD’s Grace is sufficient! It’s not too late and He did not change his mind about you.

Get on your face before God and ask him to show you what you need to do. Repent for your doubt and holding on to things he asked you to let go of and allow him to heal you! 




2 Corinthians 12:9 AMPC

But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!

Don’t quit! God has you and he is more effective in your weakness. Trust him! Trust this process and I promise you that on the other side it’s greater!

Until next time!

Love you always!

Ashley Lacheá

I'm just a girl who is passionate about her vision and seeing others succeed. I love fashion! I love life! I love ME! and most importantly I LOVE GOD!! Just come along for this journey with M.E. I will absoulutely, positively be FUN!

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